Category: Fostering Home-school Co-operation and Communication

The seven types of interview questions that must be asked in kindergarten interviews

Written by: Experienced Education Specialist                Honorary Advisor of the Association of Careers Masters and Guidance Masters, Mr. Peter Chiu Wing Tak   A parent asked me what questions are essential in a kindergarten interview. The answer is: “There are at least seven essential questions!” Why are these seven questions essential? Because toddlers over two years old only know how to answer these questions, and they will be speechless if asked deeper questions. Here are the seven types of questions:   What is your name? (Type of question: Self-awareness) Suggested answer: My name is Chan Siu Ming. Key point: Answer in full sentences, with a subject and a verb; it is polite to answer in full sentences, just answering “Chan Siu Ming” is impolite, so be careful.   Who brought you to the exam? (Type of question: Parent-child relationship) Suggested answer: My mom and dad brought me here. Key point: It is best if both parents come. Having a domestic helper, grandmother, or grandfather bring the child may be less favorable.   Where do your mom and dad take you to play on holidays? (Type of question: Parent-child activities) Suggested answer: Mom and dad take me to the park, beach (in summer), farm, science museum, planetarium, library. Key point: It is advisable to take children to places they seldom visit on weekdays, preferably places that involve nature and are intellectually stimulating.         4. The teacher picks up an apple and asks: “What is this?” (Type of question:

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How can parents help young children adapt to primary school life both psychologically and physically?

Source: Professor Chiu Wing Kai, Chair Professor of Sociology at the Education University of Hong Kong. It’s already been 5 months into 2023 and summer vacation will be coming soon, followed by the start of the new school year in September. For K3 students to start their primary school life. However, these students have spent most of their 3-year kindergarten education in online classes due to the pandemic, with little face-to-face interaction. How can parents help them adapt to their new academic and social life in terms of their psychological and physical well-being. Students who are promoted to Primary 1 are at most at K2 level because they have not returned to school for at least one full year. There are many things they need to adapt to when transitioning from kindergarten to primary school. These include school schedules, daily routines, and learning styles that are vastly different from what they are used to. Kindergarten classes typically last for around 20 minutes, after which they move on to another subject, but in primary school, classes can be 35 minutes or longer, making it difficult for them to maintain their focus. All of these issues can create significant adaptation problems for young students. So how can parents explain these changes to their children? Firstly, parents should not be too anxious, as many primary schools offer simulation courses and adaptation weeks for new students, as well as school visits. Primary schools are usually much larger than kindergartens, and young students may be

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